Friday, December 13, 2013

Kindergarten Field Trip

Last week Miller’s class took a doozie of a Field Trip.  First of all they got to ride on a bus.  That is a big deal when you’re 5!


The first stop was Bahama Hand Prints.  The kids loved seeing the printmaking process. 


They thought of a new product to add to their already extensive line of merchandise…diapers!  Those 5 year olds sure are goofy!


This day they were making beach towels.IMG_2644

They went to the back where the garments are made.  Miller thinks I should get a job there!  I might make it one day.  technically I can sew…I just can’t sew straight!IMG_2646

After that we went to Fort Montagu for lunch.  These kids were much more interested in the playground than the food in their lunches.


As I was looking through these pics I realized we were 100 yards away from a lovely beach and none of us even considered looking in that direction.  We are so spoiled.  And yes, it is still hot here and we are still in shorts!

Then we ventured to Mortimer’s Candy.  This is a 4th generation home made candy store.  They were busy making all the Christmas treats!


First they saw where the sugar was boiled down in copper bowls.  {She isn’t touching the pot!}


Look at that!  Miller said it looked like an anaconda.  {He was obsessed with them last week}


After they were rolled into smaller and smaller pieces, they are scored.



Then each piece is put by hand into this machine which wraps them.


Finally they got to pick out some candy in the shop! 


You know the expression, “Like kids in a candy store”, well these kids were so good!  I’m so glad that I was able to go with them on this terrific field trip!

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